Monday 28 July 2014

Day 7

After all this travelling I took a chilled out day. I ventured into the Mt Kaputar National Park. Along the way I had to cross a bridge, which appears to be suffering from age. Presumably to prolong the life of the bridge, there is a gravel track through the creek to the left for heavy cattle trucks.

When getting closer to the national park the road turned to gravel, I'd come this far so wasn't about to turn around now.

The middle sign says '20km Very Narrow Winding Road'
All the winding around was worth the view! I took a few short walks to various lookouts of Euglah Rock. This rock, like those around it, was formed in volcanic times then has been slowly eroded by water to form what is visible today.

I decided to camp in Moree and along the way I witnessed another terrific sunset. While driving along the road I had the sun setting to my left filling that side of the sky with reds and oranges, then over to my right the sky was filled with amazing blues and purples. The blues were also highlighted by lush green fields underneath.

I'm about to take a walk along the Mehi River in Moree, I'll then travel on to Goondiwindi for lunch.

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