Friday, 13 June 2014

Fibre break in South Melbourne on 2014-06-13

It's time to start a blog. This wasn't the first post I had imagined putting online, but it seems necessary.

I've been stuck without my NBN services today at home in Southbank and my 3G is running poorly. Just as the sun was setting I decided to take a drive into South Melbourne down to the local data centre and Telstra exchange to find out what was going on.

I saw around 15 vans and utes in the South Melbourne area with at least 30 technicians all working together to run this roughly 1 km stretch of cable.

Near the Vocus data centre on Crockford St

Half way point of the fibre as seen by the black marker held above the head of the worker on the right

Outside the South Melbourne Telstra exchange

Another shot outside the South Melbourne Telstra exchange